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#InternetBae Origin

The question I get asked the most is "what is the #InternetBae concept and where did it come from?" This is such a great question because it's something that means a lot to me and has turned into a lifestyle that I try to live daily. I think both of you two readers will be surprised at how this seemingly random hashtag came to life! I've always felt like I was the only person in Hawaii who watched Survivor religiously. None of my friends understood why I felt like it is the best show ever. Their slogan of "outwit, outplay, outlast" is one of the truest things ever spoken. The game of Survivor tests you physically, mentally and emotionally. 34 seasons in and I have seen every single episode! Anyway, it was 2014 and I decided to start live tweeting episodes. I proclaimed myself a Survivor super fan and expert. Something in my mind believed that I would share some incredible insight on the show since I've never had a platform to talk about it. I to...

Doer > Dreamer

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The Future Of Netflix...

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